This morning I had the opportunity to be guest speaker at my BNI chapter. It was a presentation about On-Q Collision. I began my talk with the usual question people ask me when out in public, "What makes you guys so different from the other body shops?" As I told my group, it is tough to say what makes us so different from other body shops in the area. We don't focus on why we are different. We focus on our customers and the service they receive. So many businesses now days use the words "customer service" as a tag line or catch phrase. We believe it is something to be practiced daily and not used as a slogan or advertisement. Because the owners of On-Q Collision believe in helping others for no other reason that it is the right thing to do, we will often perform small repairs at no cost to our customers. Some of our customers will stop in just because they have a headlight bulb out. They know that they don't need to even ask us, we will just immediately get them into the shop and get it handled. It isn't safe to drive with lights out on your vehicle and we want our customers to be safe. This is an example of one of those things we don't charge for. We, at On-Q Collision, are all working people. We understand the value of our customers dollars. We want to help them get from one pay day to another as smoothly as possible. If we can help with that in some small way, then we have done our best. All of our customers receive the same respect and customer service regardless of age, status or financial abilities. We are so fortunate that many of our customers have become friends. They will stop for a cup of coffee, some bring us some pretty good tasting baked goods and they all know they can call on us for any reason and we will do our best to help.
When I finished my talk, one of our members told me that those ARE the things that make On-Q Collision different from other area shops. So, if you, or someone you know, is looking for an auto repair combined with the customer service that so many wish they still received, come on out and visit us. All of our estimates are free, the coffee is free and the customer service is just a standard process at our shop. We are here to help.